Buenaventura, in the humid forests of the southwestern lowland hills, is another reserve owned and operated by the Jocotoco Foundation.
The first thing you notice when arriving at the lodge is the spectacular number of hummingbirds visiting the feeders and it is not unusual for about 100 individuals to be present! The most abundant species were White-necked Jacobin and Brown Violetear which together made up the majority of the birds, while Green-fronted Brilliant, Green Thorntail, Violet-bellied Hummingbird, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Andean Emerald and Green-crowned Woodnymph made up the supporting cast in rough order of abundance.
Large numbers of Bananaquits and Green Honeycreepers were also attracted to the copious supply of sugar water in the hummingbird feeders.
Also beside the lodge, a fruiting tree was a magnet for a range of frugivorous birds...
The race of Blue-grey Tanager residing on the Pacific coast lacks the striking white wing-bars that are present on the subspecies I saw at Copalinga.
Rufous-headed Chachalaca were a lot shier than most of the visitors to the feeders and only visited when it was quiet and there were not too many people around.
An even shier species is the the Brown Agouti. Even the slightest of noises or sudden movements would send this large rodent scurrying back into the dense undergrowth of the forest.
Buenaventura is probably one of the easiest places in the world to see the bizarre-looking Long-wattled Umbrellabird. This large crow-sized Cotinga has a lek about a 2km walk from the lodge, but even when you know where to look they are not easy to see in the dark understorey. The long, thick wattle hanging from its throat is inflatible and when the bird is displaying the wattle can be extended up to 30cm (1ft) downwards.
On the way back to the lodge, I came across a 1m (3ft) long Cope's Vine Snake crossing the main track. This harmless snake was no thicker than a finger-width along the entire length of its body and when it was disturbed or felt threatened it adopted a stiff posture with its tongue protruding rigidly from its mouth in an effort to look as much like a vine or dead branch as possible.
Anthony's Poison Arrow Frog was quite common along the main track. The skin secretions of this species are less toxic than those of poison arrow frogs from the genus Dendrobates and Phyllobates but a few of the compounds are under investigation for possible medical use as non-opioid painkillers. One of these, Epibatidine, has been reported to to have an analgesic effect over 200 times more potent than morphine although, in its native form, it is also toxic in low doses due to an affinity for various nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes. Research is currently underway to attempt to develop derivatives of Epibatidine which maintain its analgesic efficacy without the toxic side-effects.
In the evenings, several large moths were attracted to the lights of the dining area, including the spectacular Rothschild's Silk Moth.
As with all the other lodges I visited, the trails were narrow and enclosed with dense vegegation, making photography extremely difficult. Despite the difficulties it is still worth persevering if you have the time and energy as a proportion of the wildlife you may encounter in the deep forest does not venture into more open areas very often.
I heard evidence of White-bearded Manakin lekking sites at 3 different locations while walking the trails at Buenaventura but even when you know an active lek is close, getting a clear view in the dense undergrowth of the forest is not easy and it took a lot of patient waiting before a male hopped up onto a relatively clear perch for the photo above.
On another trail, in a small ravine, I came across a roving feeding flock that comprised of at least 15 species. The stars of the group were a White-whiskered Puffbird bashing a scorpion against a branch for about 5 minutes before flying off deeper into the forest with its meal, and some excellent views of a Chestnut-backed Antbird as it skulked around the dark depths of the dense vegetation of the forest floor. Although the latter species is fairly common, its secretive habits mean it is rarely seen well.
Barred Hawks were seen quite regularly overhead through breaks in the trees when walking down the main track. This one flew directly over my head only about 10m above me.
When I was waiting on the taxi to pick me up to take me to Santa Rosa airport, a Chestnut-mandibled Toucan flew into the tree beside me and started feasting on the fruit! What a fantastic way to end the southern leg of my tour of Ecuador!
Jorupe | ![]() |
Yanacocha |
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