16th-30th June 2015
Switzerland Part 4
: Late-June Flowers of Valais & Graubunden
Although a quite small and inconspicuous plant, Edelweiss is easily the most famous of all alpine flowers and has been an important symbol of alpine purity and ruggedness since the beginning of the 1800's. Its unusual, wooly appearance is totally unique and render the plant unmistakable in the Alps.
Small White Orchid (Pseudorchis albida) |
Burnt Orchid (Neotinea ustulata) |
Mountain Clover (Trifolium montanum) |
Wolfsbane (Aconitum altissimum) |
Creeping Speedwell (Veronica teucrium) |
Rock Speedwell (Veronica fruticans) |
Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata) |
Short-spurred Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia odoratissima) |
Black Rampion (Phyteuma ovatum) |
Dusky Crane's-bill (Geranium phaeum) |
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