

Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper

Echis pyramidum

Also known as the Northeast African Carpet Viper, E. pyramidum is one of Africa's most dangerous snakes and is responsible for the highest mortality rate from snakebite in northeastern Africa.

Saw-scaled Vipers get their English name from the specialised scales on its body that when rubbed together emit a "sizzling" warning sound which it would be wise not to ignore!


Saw-scaled Vipers (Clockwise from top : Echis pyramidum, E. carinatus, E. coloratus, & E. ocellatus)

Saw-scaled Vipers (From left to right : Echis pyramidum, E. ocellatus, E. coloratus, & E. carinatus)

Saw-scaled Vipers (From left to right : Echis pyramidum, E. ocellatus, E. coloratus, & E. carinatus)

Saw-scaled Vipers (Clockwise from top-left : E. ocellatus, E. carinatus, E. coloratus, E. pyramidum & E. carinatus)

All of the photos shown above are of a captive individuals photographed in a studio setting.