

Snipe Flies

Downlooker Snipefly (Rhagio scolopaceus) - Cheshire, England - May 2009

The origin of the common name "snipefly" is unknown and a bit of a mystery. Their alternative name of downlooker flies would perhaps be more appropriate, especially for the common Rhagio scolopaceus which is a common large and conspicuous species that habitually rests on vertical surfaces with its head pointing downwards.

Downlooker Snipefly (Rhagio scolopaceus) - Cheshire, England - May 2009

There are only 15 species of Rhagionidae recorded in Britain and Ireland. Another of the more common, though less conspicuous, species is R. lineola (below).

Rhagio lineola - County Kerry, Republic of Ireland - July 2008