


Manu, Peru - December 2008

Most of the 4000 cockroach species known are found in tropical rainforests where they are omniverous, nocturnal scavengers. Due to a few pest species infesting buildings and warehouses, they have a bad reputation which comes not so much from what they eat but rather from the contamination they cause. All cockroaches have a rather strong smell, and along with the bacteria and viruses they carry, cause large quantities of food to have to be thrown away.

Manu, Peru - December 2008

The majority of adult cockroaches are fully winged and capable of flight, but they are usually very reluctant to take flight, preferring instead to quickly scuttle into cover if danger threatens.

Manu, Peru - December 2008

Manu, Peru - December 2008

Nymphs are wingless and generally more rounded than adults.

nymph - Manu, Peru - December 2008