Birds of the World

Anatidae : Swans, Geese & Ducks

Maned Duck

Chenonetta jubata

male - Canberra, ACT, Australia - September 2010

Maned Duck, which is also widely known as Australian Wood Duck, is just as likely to be seen perched in a tree as it is on the ground. 

male - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010

Although they are usually found close to water, they are not particularly good swimmers and spend little time on the water.

female - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010

male - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010

They nest in tree holes, often a considerable distance from water, and usually lay 8-11 eggs.  The female does all of the incubating duties while the male stands guard.

female with ducklings - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010

Once the chicks have hatched, 28 days after being laid, both parents take an equal role guarding the chick from danger.

male with ducklings - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010


ducklings - Great Otways National Park, Victoria, Australia - September 2010