Birds of the World

Columbidae : Pigeons & Doves

Common Woodpigeon

Columba palumbus

Nottinghamshire, England - June 2013

Over the last century the population of Woodpigeons in Britain (and most of Europe) has significantly expanded, largely due to its colonisation of urban parks and gardens. It is now one of Britain's commonest birds.

Nottinghamshire, England - February 2013

Nottinghamshire, England - April 2010

Nottinghamshire, England - March 2010

Norfolk, England - November 2009

Nottinghamshire, England - April 2010

Inverness-shire, Scotland - July 2003

Borders, Scotland - September 2002

Borders, Scotland - September 2002

Juvenile - Dumfriesshire, Scotland - November 2002

Juveniles have browner plumage than the adults and lack the white neck patch.

Juvenile - Dumfriesshire, Scotland - November 2002

It was quite a cold evening when I photographed the above juvenile and, after its acrobatic display of berry-eating, it seemed far more concerned with burying its bill as deeply as possible in its breast feathers than it was about me standing less than 10m away.