

Mottled Grasshopper

Myrmeleotettix maculatus

West Glamorgan, Wales - July 2011

The Mottled Grasshopper is a variable species with twelve described colour morphs. Males have obviously clubbed antennae (see photos of copulating pair at the bottom of this page) while the females have a less pronounced thickened tip to the antennae, which easily distinguishes them from the other three common and widespread British Acrididae. The only other British species with a clubbed antennae is the much rarer and exclusively, southerly-distributed Rufous Grasshopper (Gomphocerippus rufus) but it has a pale tip to the antennae which is never seen on Mottled Grasshopper.

West Glamorgan, Wales - July 2011

Anglesey, Wales - July 2008

Anglesey, Wales - July 2008

Powys, Wales - September 2008

copulating pair - Anglesey, Wales - July 2008

copulating pair - Anglesey, Wales - July 2008

copulating pair - Anglesey, Wales - July 2008